Services for Parents

I provide parent consulting to help you:   

  • Understand your educational options (with specialty in the Puget Sound Area), including public, private, hybrid, and homeschool options, as well as afterschool and summer enrichment (local, online, and national).
  • Sort through reports from various professionals, including Neuropsychologist Reports, IQ testing, Occupational Therapy, Vision, Auditory, etc.  I can help you understand what the results mean, what data might be missing, and what next steps you might consider.
  • Identify what kinds of testing might be needed to chase down a learning disability or other Twice Exceptionality (2e), and what kinds of professionals you might be looking for.
  • Access both standard and non-traditional therapies for dysgraphia, dyslexia, executive function support, vision processing disorders, auditory processing disorders, and others.
  • Understand autism, PDD-NOS, PDA, ODD, ADHD and many other diagnoses as flavors of neurodiversity, not disabilities, that each come with strength areas as well as challenges to manage.
  • Find appropriate research to support your advocacy with schools and other providers.
  • All family consults are done via Zoom. Phone is also available on request.

Appointment times are not confirmed until I receive a signed Hold Harmless form. Please print, sign, scan/photo, and email to

Note: I can't provide a diagnosis for anything. I don't provide counseling or therapy for parents (or for kids). I can't force your school district, principal, or teacher to change their decisions. I don't do college counseling (though I can help you think through high school options and how that may affect college choices). I occasionally will attend an IEP meeting with a client, but I don't consider this my superpower. I don't work with kids directly, only their parents.

I occasionally run SENG Model Parent Discussion Groups (SMPGs) in the Woodinville, WA area.  These groups include 10-20 families, who meet weekly for an 8-9 week series.  If you are interested in being added to the waitlist for a future discussion group series, please join the mailing list.

I also do evening or weekend presentations for parent audiences throughout western Washington state. Usually this is in combination with being on site for professional development earlier that day. Occasionally, I will also do a parent presentation through NW Gifted Child Association (NWGCA), where I currently serve as Past President and Community Liaison, usually at one of our bigger events. I may also do parent presentations through the WA Coalition for Gifted Education, where I am now serving as President. Parent groups or other community organizations can also hire me to give an evening presentation to their parents, either in person or online. 

Here are my most commonly requested talks for both parent/community audiences as well as professional development:
Social Development in HiCap Students…and why it can all fall apart in 4th grade

You may also find these publications that I authored or co-authored to be helpful:
- Look in the Articles area!
- What do Seattle and NYC Have in Common? A joint position paper by WAETAG and NWGCA about equity in HiCap identification and services
- Accelerated Learning and Enhanced Instruction A deep dive on WA state's HiCap law

Doctoral dissertation from the Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity in Education
Even if you think you know what school district this is, please do your part to keep this district's identity anonymous in the research community. Please refer to it only as Blockbridge School District in Washington state.

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